Sunday, June 28, 2009

camping in

Our delightful (um, not so much...) weather canceled a planned camp out with my brother's and sister's families this weekend. So we decided to "camp in" here at home instead!

We toasted marshmallows over the fire, and made s'mores....

...we told stories. I told an Enki Nature story called "Old Mother Raincloud" (seemed appropriate...), J told a true story about a walk in the woods, and Zoo Boy told a "scary story". (Given my kids' mild natures, I assure you, it was not particularly scary.)

We sang songs. My kids love it when I pull out my guitar (something I don't do nearly as often as I should). So does The Map Man. (Again, should remember to get that guitar out more often....)

Then we fell asleep, in sleeping bags...

...and in tents....


Anonymous said...

That's my kinda camping right there :) We will occassionally sleep in the backyard :) Hey, I have a blog can read up on us if you want!

dongdong said...

You look wonderful with the guitar! I know lots of my friends who are taking lessons.

That's my kind of camping too. I'm not big fan of tents but my kids love the real thing. Your fireplace is fabulous too.

Anonymous said...

how fun! you are so resourceful and optimistic. i love that! AND i love you with your guitar!!!!