Thursday, August 21, 2008

tree camp

The kids are participating in "tree camp" this week, a week long program held at our local children's museum's quaint little nature center (think one-room schoolhouse with a nature theme!). They meet every afternoon for 2 hours, under the direction of the fabulous Ms Nicky. The kids are thrilled to be back in "class" with Ms Nicky again, and are having a blast exploring the woods and learning all about trees.

Inside the Nature Center, they read a tree story and do some tree movement type things. OK, so honestly, I'm not sure WHAT they do, I have been banished to the porch by Zoo Boy, who wants me nearby (in case he might need me for something) but not actually IN the class with him. He's exploring his independence, but is not quite ready to fly totally solo. Fine with me, though, I like the porch -- T and I are getting in a lot of visiting time (her son, B, is in "tree camp" too).

The tree kids on their daily nature hike. They were digging around in the leaves to see what was living under there -- and actually found a BUNCH of stuff -- huge earthworms, lots of little black crickets, slugs, and a really cool salamander.

Zoo Boy and his brand new and very good friend, N, share some secrets on the porch of the Nature Center. This to me has been the very best part of tree camp -- Zoo Boy finding a friend. He and N hit it off instantly and are inseparable. And the best part is that N and his mom are a part of the social group T is working on putting together for the coming school year. Cool, huh?!?!

The kids assemble a tree from materials they found on their nature hike yesterday. This has been a perfect week weather-wise for tree camp -- September-like temps and bright blue, sunny skies. The kids are able to be outdoors the entire time, just like a camp -- tree or otherwise! -- should be.

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