I know I'm super-duper far behind on my posts (again), and I WILL catch up, but wanted to start with our most recent (and pretty much final for our homeschooling year) adventure: our field trip to Kanatsiohareke for their Strawberry Festival.

Katansiohareke is a living Mohawk community, located in upstate New York, on a 300+ acre farm, where their work is geared towards cultural re-establishment. Each year they open their Strawberry Festival up to the public as a fundraiser. More people need to take advantage of this amazing opportunity, we were amongst the few non-Native peoples there. (And Laurel and her kids don't count, because they have native blood!)

They have vendors (with lots of AMAZING shopping opportunities), informational booths (had a great discussion with the folks at the Ganondagan Iroquois White Corn Project, and purchased some of their hulled white corn for some authentic cooking here at home), artistic displays, and entertainment all day long, including examples of cultural music and social dancing (and well as contemporary music performed by bands with Native members) and storytelling.

Above, several women in traditional clothing perform the Smoke Dance. We also saw Rabbit Dance (a couples dance), and heard the story of the purchase of the Kanatsiohareke property. We met Joseph and Jesse Bruchac (well known Native author and musician, respectfully) and spent far too much money at their booth on books and CDs. And, highlight of the day for me, took a wagon ride with Tom Porter, Mohawk Chief and originator of the Kanatsiohareke community:

To meet Tom was a big thrill for us, and spending time listening to him talk about the history and features of the property was a real treat.

Above, Tom tells us about how to make and use Wild Ginger Root medicine to ward away bad spirits.
This was by far the highlight of our year, and I can't think of a higher high to end the year on!
I will catch up on the Longhouse project and updates on our Garden, plus the boy's week at Indian Woods Wisdom Camp, when I get a chance.
Jennifer pointed out that I had my Toms confused, thanks for the correction, Jenn!!
Regardless, big thrill to meet Tom Porter! :)
That looked like a serious amount of fun!
That looked like a LOT of fun!!!
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