Wednesday, September 12, 2007

pizza face

Ok, here's that drawing of J's that I promised I'd post. I'm not sure I "get" it, so if anyone has any insight (like, have you seen this before somewhere?), please let me know!

When I asked him about the drawing, he first said "It's a pizza". I thought at first I was misinterpreting the features, but as I puzzled over it trying to see pepperonis and mushrooms instead of eyes and mouth, he chimed in "It's a face. It's a pizza face."

Ok. But here's the thing. J's drawings, until recently, have been copies of things he's seen. Initially (for years) they've been literal copies (he drew exactly what he saw drawn elsewhere). Over the past year, he's begun intermixing that copying to form pictures that tell a story, but still it's been a story that he's seen elsewhere. Recently, he's begun drawing representational pictures of live events (like his drawing of the Sea Lion Show at the aquarium), which feels more like typical kid drawings.

But THIS drawing. If this is truly his own, he's entering a new realm of imagination and ability to express himself. I've got a nagging feeling that he must have seen this somewhere else (although I can't imagine where, I'VE certainly not seen it anywhere, and for the most part I'm always in the same places he is). Somehow, that thought is comforting to me. Because if this is really coming from inside his mind somewhere...I'm just not sure I'm prepared for that depth of creativity yet! Although it would be an INCREDIBLE development in the way his thinking process is organizing, so from that perspective, I wish I could figure out which it is -- his or another's. If he'd just drawn a face split into quarters, it would be intriguing enough as to where he may have gotten the idea. But the range of emotion's just not adding up for me.

So, I challenge you all -- where have you seen this face before?

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