Sunday, February 17, 2008

Seymour Planetarium

We took the kids to their first planetarium show today. I've always love the planetarium. THIS planetarium, in fact. This is the Seymour Planetarium at the Springfield Science Museum, in Springfield, MA, which boasts the oldest American-built star projector (and one of the few such projectors still in operation, most planetariums have switched over to digital projectors), and which we are granted free admission to via our brand new museum membership. I attended planetarium shows in this very facility as a child. And I had the great pleasure of actually presenting planetarium shows here when I worked for the museum as a young adult. Many, many, many wonderful memories.

The kids LOVED it. I was so thrilled -- I wasn't entirely sure that Zoo Boy would be happy about the darkness or the loudness (why DO they have to have those speakers turned up so loud?), so I wanted to make sure The Map Man was with us the first time we went so that one of us could step out with The Boy if he couldn't take it. Not only did he hang in there, he was absolutely mesmerized by the whole thing. We chose a program directed at kids ages 3-7 for their first time, and it was a great fit. The kids can't wait to go back, and would even love to see the same program again.

Before the show, Zoo Boy showed great interest in the display of meteorites outside the planetarium. He made The Map Man and I read him the description of each and every one, while he examined them under magnification.

The kids were also thrilled to show The Map Man around their new favorite museum. And The Map Man was happy for the tour -- he hasn't been there since we were dating! (And that was, um, a few years ago....)

The Map Man and Zoo Boy check out the Native American exhibit. They listened to a few of the facts presented on tape loops, while I read about the climate when these original settlers to our area of the country first took up residence. Did you know that maple trees didn't move north into New England until 9,000 years ago? No? Neither did I! Fascinating, I say!

J works on a dinosaur puzzle in the Exploration Center. Both kids were thrilled to get to visit the museum again so soon after our first visit on Friday. While I doubt we'll be getting there with this sort of frequency on a regular basis, it's great to find another nearby educational spot that the kids find as interesting and exciting as I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! so fun! i'm glad you got the membership and had this lovely family day today!

it was great seeing you on friday, as always.

looks like we need to check out the planetarium, yes?