Sunday, July 20, 2008

summer break, day 20

Hazy, hot, and humid was the prediction for the weekend, and the weathermen didn't lie. Given that 3 of the 4 of us can't stand this sort of weather (J inexplicably doesn't seem to mind it at all), we chose to spend the heat of the day hiding in the air conditioned comfort of a movie theater (Kung Fu Panda, which we all loved!), followed up by the air conditioned comfort of a grocery store, followed up by a stop at the ice cream store.

the Rose of Sharon doesn't mind the heat, in fact seems to thrive on it, coming into bloom only once the days are ridiculously hot

Annie doesn't seem to mind the heat either, happily standing out in the blazing sun.

May I brag for moment? In late November a shaggy, unkempt, depressed, malnourished mare with horribly neglected feet was delivered to us. Today, she looks like -- well, she looks like this!!! Passersby stop to comment on how gorgeous she is, how shiny her coat, how gleaming with good health. Our Annie has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time. And never was there a horse that more deserved a second chance at life. We love our Annie!

As for me, I'm spending as much time as possible this weekend hiding in our bedroom, air conditioner blasting, reading through Enki 1st Grade Stories, starting to piece together a plan of attack for September. (I previously said I might start up in August, but I've found something more important to do in August -- details to come then!)

I also spent a bit of time on-line at places like Swift River Toys & Enki Supplies, gathering supplies for our school year. Here's a portion of my shopping list. At this point, I just need a short trip to Staples to finish up and I think we're set -- just have to sit back and wait for everything to arrive on my doorstep. I love internet shopping!!


Anonymous said...

Just wondering - last fall J was taking some karate classes. Did he continue with that activity? Were any of Kung Fu Panda's moves familiar to him?

Harvest Moon Farm said...

No, we took the prepaid set of lessons and then discontinued -- the instruction wasn't consistant and half-way through the classes, they switched and instead of him having the owner of the center, he had a kid instructing him and there was absolutely no class structure, so once the sessions we paid for ran out, we didn't sign him back up. All the other centers and schools want the kids there more than once a week, and that just didn't fit in with our lives. That, and J didn't like the sparring aspect -- he loved learning the patterns and doing the movments, but he didn't like people hitting him (and hey, I don't blame him!) or hitting other people. He still speaks fondly of having "done karate" though, and both he and Zoo Boy discussed how Kung Fu is a form of karate both on the way to and home from the movie.