Saturday, May 9, 2009

big math week

This was the last week of our third math block. Bear with me while I share some of the highlights from our "formal" learning this week.

I introduced the kids to the Enki 1st Grade Math "manipulative bridge" work sheets this week, and they were a HUGE hit with the kids. We read the Four Friends Play on the first day, and for the next four days, we read the verses that had to do with one mathematical process a day(subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division), then I gave the kids each a worksheet that had to do with that process.

The kids immediately figured out how to count out their gemstones on the first "Minnie Minus has" column, then move the right number of stones to the "Minnie gave away" column, then move the remaining stone the "Minnie has left" column. And they immediately (on their own, I didn't point anything out)understood that 11 minus 10 equals 1, for example.

They then wrote the "answer" in the correct column, and even went so far as to include the minus and equal signs (on their own, I did not suggest that). The boys worked independently on their own sheets and both completed their sheets with no problem at all, and were pretty much pleased as punch with their work.

Here is their subtractions sheets, with J's on top, Zoo Boy's below.

During playtime that day, Zoo Boy had our little wax "Minnie Minus" giving away her little imaginary packages on top of his work sheet.

The next day, the kids completed their addition sheets in the same manner as above.
(Zoo Boy chose a light pink pencil for his answers, so they are not as readable, but every bit as correct, as J's.)

The next morning at breakfast, J was using his cereal as the treats that Minnie Minus was leaving out and Paddy Plus and Max Multiply were gathering.

That day the boys completed their multiplication worksheets, just like the others. (And Zoo Boy chose pink again....)
Zoo Boy noted "Now we know how to subtract and add and multiply. But I still don't understand how to divide. But maybe I'll understand after tomorrow."

During play that day, Zoo Boy had Max Multiply turning his cartwheels and picking up two, three, and four stones at a time.

Finally, the kids received their division sheets. (And Zoo Boy chose a darker colored pencil for his work -- hooray!)

Lo and behold, Zoo Boy DID figure out his worksheet, with no help from me (although he decided not to include division signs as they were too hard to draw). I can't even begin to tell you how SERIOUSLY cool this discovery process is!

King Dominic Divide doing his division "thing" with the rest of our friends.

It's time to put math to rest for a block, although I'll hazard a guess that the boys will continue to play math games with their four new friends. They certainly are enthusiastic about their new wealth of knowledge! Just a few minutes ago, Zoo Boy said to The Map Man, "Daddy, give me two numbers". The Man said "12 and 3", thinking that he was going to subtract, but figuring he'd better give numbers that could be used in division just in case. Zoo Boy fiddled with his fingers for a minute, then smiled up at him and said "12 times 3 is 36".


dongdong said...

Thanks for posting this!! I almost forgot about these practice and quiz sheet in blackline master cd.

Anonymous said...

Did you do a new adventure circle this block?

Harvest Moon Farm said...

I wrote a new adventure circle for this block, but we never used it. The weather has been so nice, we've been taking morning walks instead of doing a circle, which I think is going to be our norm -- I will probably only do formal circles during the winter months from this point forward (been slowling developing our yearly rhythms, and this seems to be where it's leading me -- will be blogging abotu it at some point). Of course, I retain the right to change my mind at any given time! LOL