Friday, March 27, 2009

instant cool

A scene from my personal horror film, entitled "Dodge Ball 2: The Sequel":

Scene: YMCA gym homeschool class, kids are happily playing kickball.

Coach (off screen): "Ok, let's put away the kickball and cones and get out the dodge balls."

Kids erupt in a chorus of enthusiastic cheers.

J: (to a bigger boy standing near him) "Oh boy, Dodge Ball. I hope I don't get hit in the eye again."

Bigger Boy: (incredulous tone to voice, shocked look on face) "Whoa! You got hit in the EYE the last time?"

J: (nodding his head in a matter-of fact manner) "Uh huh. It got all red and oozy and everything."

Bigger Boy: (with stars in his eyes and a look of admiration on his face) "Cool...."

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