Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well, that streak of perfect weather was bound to end eventually! As thunderstorms raged just north of us all day, we experienced an atypically hot and humid day for this time of the year. Given the fact that it looked like the skies could open up any minute most of the day (though it never did actually rain until this evening), we decided to spend our adventure time this afternoon at the library. (We did manage to get outdoors for a couple hours later in the afternoon.) In this first photo, Zoo Boy busies himself with some puzzles.

J had a good time constructing a "hide out" from cardboard construction blocks. I like how he made sure to fence the toybox within the confines of his fort. When he was done, he used his little nook as a cozy reading spot for a good portion of our visit.

Zoo Boy tries out some of the puppets, in front of my favorite couch (that's where we head when Zoo Boy has a book he wants me to read to him, so we always spend quite a bit of time there every time we visit). When I'm not on the couch reading to him, I'm usually cruising the stacks of books looking for likely candidates for Family Story Time.

Raggedy Andy waves to the camera on his way to join J in his hide-out. A hide-out is always more fun with friends along! In the background you can see some of the library's other offerings for play -- a train table and a lego table. There's also a play kitchen, and a magnetic board with foam magnetic letters and numbers. It's a really nicely set up children's area that encourages families to just come and hang out for a few hours. This library also has a kitchenettte with a microwave, and tables set up like a small cafe, so that you can settle in with coffee or a light lunch while you read. Very friendly, welcoming atmosphere, all libraries should be like this one, we're so lucky to have it in our town.

And of course there are plenty of books to read and act out and consider bringing home with us. We always leave with a big armful of books, some we use for Family Storytime, some we leave out for the kids to explore on their own. Today I was particularly interested in getting some books on bugs, as it's not a topic I had thought about doing (but was one the children started in with on their own, so I just went with it). As it turns out, we had enough bug-themed books at home for this week, and at the library I found books that incorporated both bugs and flowers, which is a topic I've been wanting to get to anyway. So our bug weeks are going to intertwine with our flower weeks -- it's a good combination anyway!

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