Our tree, Christmas morning, before the kids got to it! We decided not to use any lights on our tree this year in our continued attempt to keep our electric use to a minimum, and to have a greener holiday. We actually don't miss the lights at all, so I'm guessing we won't see them again. Now to figure out how to dispose of them in an ecologically friendly manner....
Kismet, one of our kitties, in front of the kids' stockings. The theme of this Christmas was definitely Pokemon -- obviously Santa knows the boys like them!
Here the kids open their gift from Santa -- as set of Pokemon figures. The looks on their faces says it all. This is NOT what Santa was originally scheduled to bring them, by the way. I'm sure I'll blog more about our last-minute panic later, and about the catalog/
internet company that let us down this year, but I do have to say that Santa managed to score big-time with the kids with the gift he DID bring. So let's just leave it at that for now.
The Map Man opens the gift J gave him.
Zoo Boy and the special gift he'd asked Santa for -- an Ugly Doll (named Ice Bat). Don't ask, I can't possibly explain, I certainly don't "get it"! But apparently it's the gift Zoo Boy's always wanted.
And now it's off to my parent's house for Christmas Chaos! If we survive, I'll post photos tomorrow!
I hope everyone out there in blog land is having a wonderful morning!
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