Saturday, January 19, 2008

adventures indoors and out

Actually, our adventures were mostly indoors this week. It was just too darned cold to do too much outdoor adventuring. But the nice thing about our favorite park, where we met up with some homeschooling buddies on Thursday afternoon, is that it's a nice long walk from the parking lot to the barn and nature center and back again, so even on an "indoor adventure" day, there's still a bit of "outdoor adventure" involved.

And it gave me a chance to snap a couple of picture, because I was too busy enjoying myself to think about taking pictures inside the nature center that day! Silly me! So as we were walking back to the parking lot, I gasped "Oh my! I didn't take any pictures!" and snapped a few of the boys making their way back to our car.

The next afternoon found us over at the children's museum for more indoor adventuring. Zoo Boy's adventure was primarily on the high seas with a bunch of other museum-visiting kids around his age. See the blurry gray kid torturing the adorable little girl in red with a sea gull? Yup, that's Zoo Boy! (Actually, that little girl thought The Boy was the best thing since sliced bread and they played for quite awhile together, with and without the rest of the pack of boys.)

Meanwhile, J was adventuring in a class about poisonous animals with his buddy B and other classmates. (J is in the gray shirt with his back to me, of course....) The kids were making origami frogs (quite a coincidence, eh?? He only just taught himself how to make origami penguins last week!), which they were painting in bright colors to warn everyone they were poison dart frogs.

Zoo Boy reading a book to one of the museum's resident rabbits. I really wish this picture had come out better. But Zoo Boy moved his head at just the wrong time, both blurring the photo and obscuring the bunny's cute little face. Er, cute BIG face. That's the biggest bunny I've ever seen!

After the museum, we adventured ourselves over to the mall for dinner and some time at the bookstore while B and his mom waited out rush hour traffic before heading home. It was a rare treat to get to spend two days in a row with them! And it's always more fun to have adventures with good friends.

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