Friday, August 28, 2009

photos by Zoo Boy

The kids recently discovered a very old, outdated digital camera in a box of junk (we have plenty of those -- boxes of junk, not old digital cameras....). Zoo Boy in particular has become very enthusiastic about it, and wanted to share some of his efforts with you folks. He seems to be specializing in important things in his world.

His house.

His forest toys.

His great-grandmother.

His Mimi.

His cat.

His brother. His dog (although I'm not entirely sure he wants to lay claim to THIS particular dog -- he likes Joy a lot better than Grace and would have probably been happier photographing her).

His bedroom (that's J being "his" guard -- he's the prince -- in the castle they built out of their beds and bedding).

One of the mushrooms he found on our "mushroom hunt" this week.

His bird, his playmobile castle.

And a little artistic effort, just to round out his talents.

Next thing you know, he'll be wanting his own blog....


MM said...

Sounds like Zoo Boy takes after you!

Unknown said...

Excellent photos :)