Monday, June 11, 2007

more construction

Yesterday was another construction day. The kids were up early to check out our progress, didn't even bother getting dressed, just came out to play in their pajamas.

I wound up having to ban them from the structure until after we get the safety rails up -- Zoo Boy just couldn't resist jumping off. He landed on his feet and was unharmed, but it took a year or two off my life. I cringe to think of the impact on his tender growing joints. So glad we sprung for the sand base!

The Map Man begins construction on the "clubhouse" portion of the playscape.

We found a homeschooling family with a 12 year old looking for babysitting jobs, so we had her come out for 3 hours during the afternoon so that we could concentrate on getting as much done as possible. We quickly realized, after starting this project, that the estimated time in the instructions are based on the "two moderately skilled people" not needing to look after two kids during construction. I think I'll be happy for this to take us less than two months....

Here's how things stand now: it's actually starting to look like a kid's play structure! We could hear the neighbors breathing a collective sigh of relief, I'm sure they were all scratching their heads about what was being built on the property line, worrying a little that some noisy animal was going to be housed there. Nope, just a couple of noisy kids!!

It's kind of nice up there in the clubhouse. (Will be nicer when it has a roof, tho then it won't be possible for an adult to stand up in it!) We're thinking about abandoning our house and moving in.

Construction will continue on Tuesday, stay tuned for further details!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it looks fantastic!!! i wish i could hire map man to come on over and build one for fluffy. your kids are going to love it. hey, what am i saying? they ALREADY love it!