Wednesday, March 12, 2008

just arrived

On the left is Coconut. On the right is Blackberry.

Zoo Boy fell in love with a Conure at the place we got these two, and I said NO. See, I CAN say no, despite all proof to the contrary. He also very much wants a cockatiel. To which I said yes -- for next year's birthday. So I've got a year on that one.

But these particular additions had absolutely nothing to do with Zoo Boy. In fact, he told me "we have enough parakeets" when I suggested bringing them home. I said "yes, we do have a lot...." and he very seriously said "No. We have ENOUGH." But, what can I say, it's hard for me to take advice from a 5 year old. And let's face it, I have no self-control.

What I do have is a house filled to the brim with cheerful chirping and songs!

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