Saturday, April 12, 2008

classes and short sleeves

At the end fo the week, we spent an afternoon at the museum, where the kids each had a class about finding and observing wildlife. Here's Zoo Boy (in the green shirt) in his class with Ms Nicky, discovering all the things you can find with a magnifying glass. After becoming magnifying glass exploring pros, the class headed outdoors to find and observe critters.

While Zoo Boy was on his adventure, J was busy working on a stop-sign and safety project with Ms Anne. The museum staff puts on impromptu programs on all sorts of themes throughout the day, and we're always lucky to hit a few of them during our visits.

Later, during J's class with Ms Nicky, he created this animal track story. You can see where a bird was hopping along the page, then along came a cat. Then what happened? Hm, the cat's prints continued, but the bird's did not. So the cat ate the bird! J was pretty proud of his story line, and explained to me that the cat is a predator.

Between classes we hung out in the museum's yard, where the weather was simply gorgeous -- short-sleeve weather for the first time this year. Hooray, sunshine!!! The kids played in and on the wooden train (which is where Zoo Boy is standing for this photo), ran around in the yard, explored in the trees lining the yard, and ate snack at the picnic tables.

At one point, I looked up from a pile of binders and papers, which I had spread across one of the picnic tables as I worked on our curriculum plans, to find J like this. I asked him what he was doing. He smiled at me and said "thinking". I smiled back and said "me too", and we both went back to thinking in the sunshine and warm breezes.

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