Friday, February 27, 2009

snowflakes and pancakes

The boys each took part in a museum class yesterday. Zoo Boy's class was about winter and snow. Their teacher, Ms Susan, always has an amazing display of resources available for the kids to look at. Zoo Boy spent quite a bit of time after class poking through her assortment of snow-themed books and toys.

The class works on their art project. They also played games with cut-out snowflakes, listened to snow-themed stories, and I'm pretty sure I saw them making homemade play dough at some point, though I'm not sure what they were doing with it in regards to the class.

Here's Zoo Boy's snowy art project.

J's class with Ms. Susan was about making pancakes! Here they are assembling the ingredients to make blueberry pancakes (they made plain ones, too). Ms. Susan had lots of syrups and fruit toppings, too.

J shows off his pancake craft.


Now, that's a class I could get into....

1 comment:

dongdong said...

I have nominated you for the Lemonade Award. Please visit my blog for more info.