Monday, January 10, 2011

new kids on the block

Well, one of them is still a kid at least! Yesterday I drove up to the MA/NH border to pick up our new trio of Angora Goat wethers. The black dude in the front is "Music" and he's not yet a year old. In the middle is "Ishmael" (known as "Ishy" for short), who is going to be 2 years old. And the fine looking fellow in the back is "Coconot" (they came with their names, misspelling included, Mom!), and he's 4. (And of course, that's April in the background, checking out her new charges.)

I've always wanted Angora goats, and my need for a quantity of Mohair (which is what the fiber they produce is called) for a big weaving project planned for this fall prompted me to finally acquire our own little herd of Angoras. We're very excited to welcome these boys to their new home with us! And they seem pretty happy to be here -- they've settled in quickly and are such sweethearts.

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