Harvest Mom, dog trainer, shepherdess, spinner, naturalist, teacher, wife, friend, daughter, sister, rabid football fan, musician (barely), artist in my own mind, writer wannabe, chocoholic. Easily distracted by bright shiny objects.
The Map Man
Bridge Engineer, map follower, accidental farmer, master go-with-the-flow-er, juggler of oranges and life, world's best father. My partner (for 24 years), my best friend (for 29 years), my heart (for eternity), my balance, my obsession. The reason I am where and who I want to be.
Twelve, enthusiastic, creative, hilarious, musical, dramatic, driven, future professional dancer (and whatever else he puts his mind to). Has a zest for life and all it's many nooks and crannies.
Zoo Boy
Nine (and a half!), karate kid, sensitive, imaginative, inquisitive, affectionate, observant, thoughtful, a free spirit with an old soul. Talks to animals and trees, listens to the wind and the stars.
10 months, bubbly, silly, musically inclined, cat (and penguin!) obsessed, baby on the go
I know I said I was just going to blog weekly reviews, but I can't figure out how to include photos of all the story work in that sort of a post, so here's what the boys did for work on our Scottish Sage, John Muir, this week:
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