Sunday, March 18, 2012

happy birthday, Zoo Boy!

Zoo Boy celebrated his 9th birthday with a big party at a local park. We had pizza and cake inside the nature center with about 40 of our closest friends and family.

Auntie H and Mimi dressed Rosebud for the party. I didn't buy any of those clothes! (OK, so I bought the tights.) The headband (yes, I know it's ridiculous, she didn't have it on for very long) was a shower gift, the outfit itself is borrowed from a friend (who dressed her girls to the 9s when they were babies), and the purple paten leather shoes were a gift from my friend Penney. I can't believe I found an occasion for her to wear them....

After eating their fill of pizza, the party gang headed outdoors in the chilly March weather for some fun.

First they visited the animal barn and fed the animals.

Then they visited the sugar house and chatted with the person boiling the maple sap. This was particularly fun for those that had joined us for our sugaring unit.

Pat lead the "troops" in some military games for fun and warmth.

After coming inside to warm up and eat cake, the kids went out to the playground for awhile to burn off all that sugar.

The party wrapped up with Zoo Boy un-wrapping his gifts.

Rosebud thought it was all a little much and snoozed in Mimi's (and Grandma's) arms all afternoon. She made out almost as good as Zoo Boy did in the gift department as several of our friend brought her presents as well.

Fun afternoon! Thanks to all who came!

1 comment:

dongdong said...

Happy birthday, Zoo boy! Looks like a wonderful birthday. You look all grown up and def. 9. :)