Sunday, September 2, 2012

kids in the kitchen resumes -- chili dogs

We re-started up our successful cooking program, Kids in the Kitchen, from last fall. J wrote about it in his journal and agreed to share:

The kids chose and wrote out their recipe and shopping list, and shopped for all the ingredients. We insisted on organic for everything and grass fed for the meats, so it was off to Whole Foods in West Hartford. After successfully procuring all of the ingredients, they got to cooking.

J browned the mushrooms, while Zoo Boy browned the ground beef.

This was followed by the rest of the ingredients over the next 2 hours (I got bored with taking photos). J also drew a picture of the chili cooking in his journal:

Unlike last year, the kids are actually in a good place for trying and actually adding new foods into their diet. Zoo Boy ate about half his chili dog (amazing!), and J, after tasting and deciding it wasn't his cup of tea, asked for the leftover shrimp from the night before (also a new food for them this week -- we're on a roll!).

I have to say, I've never made chili before, but this was DELICIOUS! I'm adding it to my recipe collection, I'm sure I'll make it again - SOOO much better than canned chili, and everything organic, whee!! And lucky me, I've been getting to eat chili for lunch all week.

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