Monday, September 6, 2010

ready to roll!

I mean, don't they LOOK ready to jump back into schoolwork and more structured days?

There's been a lot of the above this summer. Just laying around and reading, or doing whatever (whatever is one of my particular favorites, actually). Or doing what they're doing to the left, just hanging out, being one with nature.

There's been some of this, too.
But, seriously, it's time to get back in the swing of things. Education on a more formal note. A bit more of a schedule to the way things run on a daily basis.

So, in preparation for our big first day not-back-to-school, we crammed as much fun as possible into the last few weeks of summer. There's been lots of social time with friends and family, there's been cook-outs, there's been games. There's been wandering through the woods and fields of CT searching for those elusive letterboxes.

There's even been searches in cemeteries....

There's been museum time and water play and experimenting with volume.

There's been exploring optical illusions.

And drawing our own. (Here's J's.)

But, really, we're as ready as we'll ever be to get back to school work. So I guess tomorrow is as good a day as any to start.

Which means I'll be back to blogging a bit more regularly, assuming the computer cooperates (it's sort of on hospice at the moment....).

So, "see" you soon!

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