Sunday, May 25, 2008

world turtle day

I'm playing catch-up again with the blog, so be sure to tune back in soon for more posts!

Friday was World Turtle Day, and the kids celebrated by each having a class at our favorite children's museum on, what else, Turtles! In this photo, Zoo Boy excitedly shows J the turtle he made in his class.

The wonderful Ms Sarah invited another museum employee in to show off her two pet Russian Tortoises to Zoo Boy's class.

Zoo Boy assembles the turtle shell puzzle he made in class.

The wonderful Ms. Sarah shows J's class the museum's Box Turtles. J created a giant spotted turtle during class, and both classes got to handle turtle shells. Ms Sarah also read a book about turtles to each, as well as discussing in depth the different types of turtles there are in the world.

The boys compare what they learned in their respective classes with each other while showing me the turtle shells. Zoo Boy's got his hands on a Green Turtle (a species of sea turtle) shell (which also happens to fit him very well -- he's just about the size of a sea turtle!). A Snapping Turtle's shell is next to J's left hand. Further down the table are a Painted Turtle's shell, and a Spotted Turtle's shell.

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