Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! (and eleven)

The kids are ready to roll -- Dinosaur J and Skeleton Zoo Boy say to have a very Happy and Safe Halloween!

Also, a reminder to you folks, there have been some Halloween Candy recalls recently, due to the Melamine problem -- if you good on "candy recall" you'll get about a thousand hits to relevant sites. But basically anything put out by the major candy manufacturers (Hershey, M&M mars, etc) is considered "safe". (Well, not poisonous anyway, I don't think anyone's teeth or waistlines are safe!!) Our basic tactic will be to toss out anything not from one of those companies.

And as a special Halloween Treat, here is our brief study of the number "11" from today -- the significance of which is it's the first number with repeating digits, so we really didn't have too much to say about it other than to just do a drawing that represents the number. In keeping with the holiday spirit, we did a drawing of 11 pumpkins. This first one is mine.

This next one is J's. Neither boy decided to turn their pumpkins into Jack-o-Lanterns. My guess is that had more to do with all of J's new toys calling to them than the fact that they wanted to keep their pumpkins in tact.

Here's Zoo Boy's pumpkins. He took special care to make sure that each pumpkin had a different kind of stem (although it looks like I managed to cut the stem off of the two little pumpkins at the top of the page).

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