Also, a reminder to you folks, there have been some Halloween Candy recalls recently, due to the Melamine problem -- if you good on "candy recall" you'll get about a thousand hits to relevant sites. But basically anything put out by the major candy manufacturers (Hershey, M&M mars, etc) is considered "safe". (Well, not poisonous anyway, I don't think anyone's teeth or waistlines are safe!!) Our basic tactic will be to toss out anything not from one of those companies.
And as a special Halloween Treat, here is our brief study of the number "11" from today -- the significance of which is it's the first number with repeating digits, so we really didn't have too much to say about it other than to just do a drawing that represents the number. In keeping with the holiday spirit, we did a drawing of 11 pumpkins. This first one is mine.
This next one is J's. Neither boy decided to turn their pumpkins into Jack-o-Lanterns. My guess is that had more to do with all of J's new toys calling to them than the fact that they wanted to keep their pumpkins in tact.
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