The bigger the number, the greater the trouble
Except when the little one you can double.
If you pair two fives, you can count again,
Before you know it you've built up ten.
We finally finished up working with "10" this morning after a busy weekend where we couldn't find time for school work. We were still working with The Evil Giant doubling story that we read last week and used to work on "6" (two "3"s) and "8" (two "4"s). The kids had no problem identifying the "10" in the story, despite the fact that it's been a week since they've heard it. They readily pointed out that there were five girls who married five boys to make ten. (Or looking at it another way, five children of the fisherman who married to make ten.) Then we quickly found the significant 10s in our life -- ten fingers and ten toes.
Here's my drawing -- I drew the girls holding hands in a circle, with the boys around the outside of them (which matches up really well with our geometric figure for this number). I also threw in my hands, for good measure.
J decided to draw his hands/fingers, then turned them into a turkey and a peacock.
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