Saturday, July 7, 2007

other critters

I promise, this will be the last of my series of posts about Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory in South Deerfield, MA. If you want to see other installments go here or here or here or here or here. I really REALLY loved this trip, as you can tell.

This week we've been transition from our June theme of Ponds/Frogs to our July theme of Butterflies. Visiting the Butterfly Conservatory was a natural excursion for the Butterflies, but wasn't I surprised to find that it made for a good transition trip, too. The Conservatory actually has a fairly good collection of exotic frogs! Of course, they are kept in tanks apart from the Conservatory itself (can you even imagine all those frogs in the Conservatory, eating up the butterflies?!).

The first photos is a nice Red-Eyed Tree Frog.

And I love this photo -- can you see the two Red-Eyed Tree Frogs asleep under the leaf?

There was a really nice collection of poison Dart Frogs too, but they were pretty difficult to photograph -- this is about the only one I got a half-way decent shot of.

They also had a great collection of exotic insects (huge, creepy looking things -- typically insects don't bother me, but they were really giving me the heebie-jeebies -- they too were difficult to photograph) and lizards. This Chameleon (I don't know the species) was only one of several different types.

I'm also having a great deal of luck getting Bearded Dragons to pose for me this week. (See our museum visit for another of my bearded buddies.) This particular Dragon is named Sugar, and one of the workers gave her a bath while we were there. Her mate, Spice, has a tail sticking out from under that log. I've got pictures of the two of them together, but I liked that she was "smiling" for the camera in this one.


Bea said...

Very cool!!

Anonymous said...

Red eyed tree frogs UNDER the leaf??? Do you mean those "blobs" about right in the center of the pic?? - Bev

Harvest Moon Farm said...

Yes, Bev, those blobs be frogs. Go figure, huh? :-)