Tuesday, February 8, 2011

are you sick of snow photos yet?

What a surprise (not), the weathermen were wrong yet again, and the 2 inches they predicted turned into 6 inches (and still snowing strong). I'll warn you now, you're taking your life into your own hands if you leave me a comment telling me how pretty it is.


Anonymous said...

So pretty! LOL

Nicole Milman said...

more laughing out loud....and love the stunning photos! I'll be writing you soon... :) Nicole Milman

Diane Menard said...

It was pretty this morning, but I didn't get any photos so I am enjoying yours. Ducks on fenceposts?

Karen said...

But it is pretty! You could use some of those photos for holiday cards.

I'm not worried about life or limb -- you'd have to run through the deep snow to catch me! :P