Tuesday, December 23, 2008

bright nights

My mom and I took the kids to see a commercial lights display last night, here's some photo from our trip. Funny how hard it is to get pictures of something with so much light! (Of course, the fact that I took these all with my phone might explain some of it....). Anyway, it's enough to get an idea of what we were oohing and aahing at last night:


Kate said...

Oh my gosh you make me so nostalgic! it is comforting to see those images but I miss them so much. I miss the feeling of security that I had the last time I saw those lights. I miss the feeling of enjoying something. My grandparents live in Springfield or nearby. We used to love that display so much. I loved the little animals jumping across the pond. It was so cool. I havent gone in years. We probably didnt go more than 2 or 3 times in my life but I loved it so much. Forest Park, right? It was only like 2 miles from my grandparents.

I saw this blog title in someone else's blog lists and I had to click it immediately, hoping it was what I thought it was. You did not dissapoint. Thanks for giving me a bit of holiday cheer.

Harvest Moon Farm said...

:) Happy Holidays, Kate! Fun to know that someone recognized the display!