Wednesday, December 10, 2008

o -- vowels, part 2

We are busy little fellows,
Working way deep, down below,
Crystals, jewels, gold, and stone,
We tend with care our earthly home.

-from The True Name of the King, Enki Education Grade 1 Academic Story

Part two of our vowel story found our heroine befriending a helpful gnome, who brings her with him to work down in the caverns. After recalling that part of the story this morning, we painted our "O" paintings (which are supposed to be much more purple than these photos are making them seem). I was a little bit startled by how brilliant the blue I chose was and it made completing the paintings the way I wanted to a bit of a challenge, but I think we managed adequately.

Our story painting represents the cavern's entrance and the darkness and crystals and jewels within. I actually think the kids captured the color mood better than I did, I was too busy worrying about how bright that blue was! I also think the paper was a bit too dry, adding to the brilliance of the color, so I was fretting about that as well.

J's paintings.

Zoo Boy's.

No sooner had we finished our paintings then Zoo Boy pleaded "Is it Story Time yet??" He was dying to find out if he was right in his guess that Jewel is NOT the true name of the King. And of course, he was right. It was awesome watching the boys hanging on the edges of their seats (well, their cushions on the floor, anyway) as I read the next installment.

I can't believe there are parents out there who let other teachers have this kind of fun with their kids!! I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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