Before I start, I thought I should make note of the fact that is is my 500th post on this blog. That's a pretty big number. Thanks so much to all of you folks who have taken an interest in our little lives, regardless of how many of those posts you've read. Have you read all 500 of them? If so, be sure to leave me a comment on this post, and you'll get bonus points!

Yesterday the boys each had a museum class on a similar theme -- toys and games that children who lived long ago played. This was Zoo Boy's favorite toy -- the "Tumbling Jack" -- the little grooved (and groovy!) wooden guy tumbles down the ladder tail over teakettle. Clever little design!

Here Zoo Boy plays with a.... Aw, heck, I knew I was going to forget the name! Jumping somebody or another (and no, it's not Jumping Jack Flash....). In any case, you squeeze the two rods, and the little acrobat it the middle does jumps and flips and tumbles.

Between the kids' classes, they participated in an animal program in the animal room. This particular program was about the museum's resident Bantam Rooster. My kids got asked about our chickens during the program, and they enjoyed sharing information about the types of chickens we have, the fact that we don't have a rooster which means our eggs are not fertilized, and explaining how to collect eggs so they don't break and so you don't get pecked by a hen. Very informative for all, no doubt.

J in his class, playing a bean-bag toss game. He also played a wooden pin and ball bowling game.

Both kids made a Mancala game during their classes. Here J is teaching me how to play at home.
Fun class! Both boys quite enjoyed it!
Happy 500! (and of course I've read them all!)
I've read all the post on this blog and all the posts on the old one, too!
Ever since I discovered your blog, I have not turned back. Can't say I read all 500 since I came late on board but I read some older ones too. Love your blog.
I've read all your posts, too!
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