Wednesday, November 30, 2011

pottery class

I keep wanting to blog about the homeschool pottery class that J is taking at the University, but he keeps NOT bringing home projects for me to photograph. So yesterday I just walked into the studio and snapped a photo -- you can see some of the projects they've been working on on the tables in front of them (and on the wheel on the right side of the photo). Supposedly he'll be bringing stuff home with him next week (but they've been saying that since about week 3!). He gets a real kick out of me asking him every week "Do you have anything to bring home?"

He's very much enjoyed this class, and it was an easy way for me to get "out" of doing much in the way of pottery and clay work with the boys at home, yet still give them the experience of really working with fired clay to produce actual products. Great tie-in with our whole Torah unit! (Zoo Boy wouldn't take the class, he still doesn't like his hands getting that dirty, but he's enjoyed checking out the studio and the products and the whole process.) The class was once a week for 6 weeks (next week is the last week), and they started out with pinch-pots, and progressed through to throwing on the wheel the past couple of weeks. Perfect class at just the right time for us!

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