Thursday, July 2, 2009

forest treasures

The weather has continued it's wet and wild ways into July, and we've been dashing out between storm cells to catch as much outdoor time as possible. Today, while waiting for a lane to become available for us at the bowling alley, we explored a trail we'd never visited before. There were treasures galore waiting for us to discover!

Like this fallen tree, no doubt blown down by the winds in a recent storm, covered in bittersweet vines, with woodpecker feeding holes all over it.

A delectable treasure! Black Raspberries.

Tent caterpillar condos.

A beautiful little river.

A freshly gnawed tree. It's going to make a loud sound when the beaver finally gets it to fall!

Happy boys on the trail. (And Zoo Boy forging ahead instead of lagging behind!) They wanted to go even further than we did, but I was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.

Zoo Boy told me that you can't completely hate mosquitoes, because they are food for a lot of wonderful birds. J muttered that he very well could and did completely hate mosquitoes.

Now, you know I love birds, but I tend to side with J on this one....

1 comment:

dongdong said...

I did "honest scrap" and mentioned love to see yours if you like to do it. :)